25 June 2007

10 Things. Of Various Natures.

I like lists. Deliciously disjointed nonsensical lists.

1. Sometimes I look back at my first post and feel like a huge bag of ass. But it's there to learn from, so I won't erase it (just yet....).

2. I totally take back that nice thing I said about blogger in my previous post. Well, I didn't actually say anything nice about blogger but I did take it off my gun list, which was a mistake. It's back on again for taking another of my 10 seconds.

3. Today was misty, on-off rainy, and mystical in the forest. I couldn't see the monkeys for shit but I could hear Noh chantings and woodblock strikes in my head, so that made up for it. Except for when it stopped raining for a long spell and all the mosquitoes came out to assault my face and drink my sweet sweet eye juices, but I managed to fend them off by cleverly spraying myself in the face with insect repellent. Im rly smaht.

4. I have seen the lowest ranking female monkey in my troop get raped twice following a conflict among the male monkeys. Oftentimes, the males will fight and then displace their anger by mounting another nearby male or female monkey, or occasionally by threatening the human observer. Both times this poor female has been forced into intercourse, I've had to stop myself from intervening and just... let it happen. Because they are monkeys, and this is how they do, and I must be a passive observer to their society. (by the end of this study, I will cold and dead inside)

5. Wet monkey smells exactly like wet dog.

6. Riding your 50cc scooter in a typhoon is the only way to fly.

7. Occasionally, from out of nowhere, a pleasant floral smell wafts into my window. It's incredibly strange and makes me feel ways that I can't explain.

8. My scooter is old and rickety, so it tends to vibrate quite a bit depending on how well it starts up in the morning. This has an unfortunate side effect on my bowels which respond to all the jostling by needing to go BM immediately upon my arrival in the forest. Where of course I can't go BM, so then I must hold this BM until I return to the station about 6 hours later.

9. I think I'll write about Mr. J in my next post.

10. Your moment of zen:

The research station.

I am sooooo fucking zen.


MLE said...

Never delete your old posts. It is blasphemy to journal writing.

Reading about these monkeys remind me why Ill never understand the primate that is the boy.

Unknown said...

Did you take that picture? Holy crap it's a good picture and it's pretty freaking Zen (I don't say fuck on the internets)

To echo Emily's point, though I don't know her, I have to tell a story about Ted's 3rd-grade diary. Apparently in high school he went back to it and there was a page that said "I want to SEX Cynthia", and he tore it apart out of embarrassment, but really I would pay money today to see that on paper in 3rd-grade Ted handwriting.

So the point is, I might want to pay money someday to read your old posts. It might make you rich.